Get Banking as a Service Clients and Their Account list

General Information

To start using Banking as a Service functionality, your DevApp should include OB-BAAS 1.0 API product.

To make payments on behalf of your clients (BaaS Clients), list of BaaS clients and their accounts must be taken.

Postman collection of Banking as a Service API is here.

Get BaaS Clients

To get list of BaaS Clients, you should call Get Clients API.

This API provides the list of all BaaS Clients assigned to your BaaS contract. Each Client is identified by baasClientId identifier and has optional brandId identifier if your customers are accepting payments.

Access Token must include ob-baas scope

Get BaaS Client Accounts

To get list of specific BaaS Client Accounts, you should call Get BaaS Client Accounts API.
In the URL, use "baasClientId" parameter’s value that is received in the response body of Get Clients API.

Access Token must include ob-baas scope

After successful Get BaaS Client Accounts API call, the list of accounts for specified BaaS Client will be received.

To make payments on behalf of BaaS Client, use "accountId" parameter’s value that is received in the response body of Get BaaS Client Accounts API.
