Get Card Details and BaaS Client Cards

To get card details use this api: ConnectPay APIs

Card “id” is required to get card details.


curl --location -g --request GET '{{cardId}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: {{contentType}}' \ --header 'Accept: {{accept}}'


    "maskedPan": "474367******2535",
    "expiresAt": "2026-03-31",
    "status": "Active",
    "deliveryDispatchMethod": "Regular",
    "createdAt": "2023-03-01T19:44:44.000Z",
    "limits": {
        "contactlessPayments": {
            "isEnabled": false,
            "limits": {
                "daily": 10000.0,
                "weekly": 50000.0,
                "monthly": 50000.0,
                "transaction": 10000.0
            "availableAmount": {
                "daily": 10000.0,
                "weekly": 50000.0,
                "monthly": 50000.0
            "usedAmount": {
                "daily": 0.0,
                "weekly": 0.0,
                "monthly": 0.0
        "internetPurchases": {
            "isEnabled": true,
            "limits": {
                "daily": 10000.0,
                "weekly": 50000.0,
                "monthly": 50000.0,
                "transaction": 10000.0
            "availableAmount": {
                "daily": 10000.0,
                "weekly": 50000.0,
                "monthly": 50000.0
            "usedAmount": {
                "daily": 0.0,
                "weekly": 0.0,
                "monthly": 0.0
        "withdrawals": {
            "isEnabled": true,
            "limits": {
                "daily": 1000.0,
                "weekly": 5000.0,
                "monthly": 5000.0,
                "transaction": 1000.0
            "availableAmount": {
                "daily": 1000.0,
                "weekly": 5000.0,
                "monthly": 5000.0
            "usedAmount": {
                "daily": 0.0,
                "weekly": 0.0,
                "monthly": 0.0
        "overallLimits": {
            "isEnabled": true,
            "limits": {
                "daily": 10000.0,
                "weekly": 50000.0,
                "monthly": 50000.0
            "availableAmount": {
                "daily": 10000.0,
                "weekly": 50000.0,
                "monthly": 50000.0
            "usedAmount": {
                "daily": 0.0,
                "weekly": 0.0,
                "monthly": 0.0
    "deliveryAddress": {
        "firstName": "Jessica",
        "lastName": "Atreides",
        "city": "Vilnius",
        "addressLine1": "Brickell St 11",
        "addressLine2": null,
        "postcode": "55555",
        "countryCode": "LT",
        "phoneNo": "918374493854"
    "3dsSettings": {
        "phoneNo": "918374493854"
    "embossing": {
        "fullName": "Jessica A"
    "blockType": null

Get BaaS Client Cards API

To get all your client card use path this api: ConnectPay APIs

“BaaSClientId” is required to get cards of your clients. All card linked to the client will be returned in response

Get BaaS Client Cards API
