Make and Authorize Standard Payment Order via Banking as a Service

General Information

To create and execute Standard Payment Order on behalf of BaaS Client, it must be Initiated and then Authorized. In this flow, payments will be carried out without explicit SCA/MFA authorization.

To access Payment Services via Banking as a Service, your DevApp should include OB-PS 1.0 API product.

Payment Services API via Banking as a Service supports standard payments, such as Internal (between ConnectPay accounts), SEPA-SCT, SEPA-SCT-Inst and SWIFT payments.

Postman collection of Payment Services API is here.

Payment Initiation

To initiate standard payment on behalf of BaaS Client, you should call Initiate Payment API. Use "accountId" parameter’s value that is received in the response body of Get BaaS Client Accounts API.

Access Token must include ob-baas-ps scope

Payment Authorization

To authorize standard payment without explicit SCA, use Authorize Payment without SCA API.

Access Token must include ob-baas-ps:authz-nosca scope

Checking Payment Status

To check standard payment order status, use Get Payment Status API.

Access Token must include ob-baas-ps scope

Note that some of the payments may require manual AML examination, thus they can be executed with delay.

